Who doesn’t love a perfectly cooked juicy steak? While a Ribeye might be my favorite, T-bones are a very close second. When I first started smoking meat, steaks weren’t even on my list to try out. I had thought I perfected my steaks using a traditional propane grill and chalked it up to the fact that not everything needs to be smoked. Boy was I wrong! When I saw an advertisement for 50% off steak I knew it was time to finally add this recipe to the site.
How to Smoke a T-Bone Steak
What you see below is a 2-inch cut, 2-pound USDA Choice T-bone steak. As mentioned previously, I picked it up for about $15.00 during a 50% sale at Cub Foods. Can’t beat that!

Turn your pellet smoker on smoke and let it warm up. You’ll eventually want the heat to reach 250 degrees. While heating up, remove the steak from its package and season it liberally. You can never go wrong with salt, pepper, and garlic. For this recipe, I used a steak blend that’s sold from a local meat market called Morelli’s Market.

Once your smoker gets to temperature, toss your steak(s) on. I was aiming for medium-rare which is a final temperature of roughly 130 degrees. I highly recommend a probe to monitor the temperature of your meat. I use the iGgrill which syncs to my iPhone which makes smoking/grilling meat nearly impossible to mess up. You’ll read more about that in just a moment.
I removed the steak off the smoker at 120 degrees. This steak took a little under 2 hours to reach that temperature. Depending on the size of your steak your cooking time will vary. You might think we’re getting close to completion but we still have 10 more degrees to go and a little trick that REALLY makes this steak stand out!
You’ll notice that while cooked, the smoked T-bone just doesn’t look all that appetizing. A steak needs some “char” for it to reach elite status. The next step takes a steak from 4/5 stars all the way to the coveted 5/5. As the steak rests for 10 minutes, brush a little olive oil on both sides of the steak. You’ll want to heat up a grill as hot as it can get. I’ve also had a lot of success with a cast iron skillet if a grill isn’t an option (as is the case this time). Place the grill on the hottest part of the grill and watch for your thermometer to reach 130 degrees.

The end result is an amazing T-Bone steak that has the amazing flavor of smoke and the coveted char that you only get from an extremely hot grill. Let me know in your comments below, how your steak smoking experience goes. If you’re like me, you’ll never go back to straight-up grilling your steaks again.

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